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Power of Coaching Interview with Jennifer Britton

In my blog series, Power of Coaching, I have interviewed Jennifer Britton from Toronto, Ontario. Through her company, Potentials Realized, Jennifer works with professionals and organizations to realize their full leadership and business potential, through the provision of consulting, coaching and training services.

As the author of Effective Group Coaching, Jennifer is considered a leader in the area of group coaching and team development. The founder of Potentials Realized, she weaves together her rich experience as a former manager with the UN, coach, trainer and performance improvement specialist.

In this interview we talked about:

  • the difference between coaching, consulting and training
  • how coaching is a different type of conversation
  • how coaching is an opportunity to pause and reflect
  • the coachee as the driver of the process
  • how coaching can support culture change and organizational change
  • how a coaching conversation can attain better results
  • the impact of coaching on individuals, teams and organizations
  • how coaching can help individuals and teams get more focus and results
  • return on investment as a result of the coaching process


Listen to the interview.



A special thanks to Jennifer for an informative interview. You can connect with Jennifer at

Jennifer’s Bio 

As the author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010), Jennifer is considered a leader in the area of group coaching. The founder of Potentials Realized, she weaves together her rich experience as a former manager with the UN, coach, trainer and performance improvement specialist.

Since 2004, Jennifer has been coaching individuals, teams and groups from a range of industries spanning financial services, safety, pharmaceutical, education, health care and the international sector, focusing on leadership, performance, and teamwork issues.

Jennifer is a PCC with the ICF, and will be releasing her second book this summer entitled- From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching.

Since 2005, her Group Coaching Essentials teleseminar, an ICF CCE program, has been taken by hundreds of coaches around the world, supporting them to design and deliver their own group coaching work.




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